
Make-A-Wish Hong Kong Flag Day 2024

Donald Duck 90th Anniversary-themed Flags

Help Create Life-Changing Wishes for Children with Critical Illnesses!

Support Make-A-Wish Hong Kong’s Flag Day 2024 on 20 July

Make-A-Wish Hong Kong will hold a flag-selling event on Hong Kong Island on 20 July (Saturday). The flags feature the loving family of Donald Duck which is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year. Make-A-Wish Hong Kong aims to deepen public understanding of the organization’s mission and services, raise a fund of HK$800,000 to bring hope to children with critical illnesses through granting life-changing wishes, and to support hospital services.

Special Flag Sheet Design Featuring Donald Duck 

Make-A-Wish Hong Kong is once again thankful for the support of The Walt Disney Company (Hong Kong) Limited. A set of exquisite flags featuring the loving family of Donald Duck were specially designed for the event. We hope to energize and inspire Wish Children to combat their illnesses with hope, strength and joy!

Flag Day 2024 Flag Sheet

© Disney

*Photos are for reference only

Join Us to Volunteer on The Flag Day!

We invite you to support us on our Flag Day and promote this meaningful event to families and friends. 

Event Information

Date: 20 July 2024 (SAT) 

Time: 7:00am – 12:00 noon

District: Hong Kong Island Region (Public Areas) 

The Director of Social Welfare has approved Make-A-Wish Hong Kong to sell flags on Hong Kong Island region on 20 July 2024. SWD Public Subscription Permit No. is FD/R022/2024

We are calling for 2,500 volunteers to help with flag selling! Volunteers will receive a certificate of appreciation. Join us NOW to bring hope, strength, and joy to children with critical illnesses!

Flag Day 2024 Certificate

*Photos are for reference only

Individual Enrollment

We welcome organizations, schools and companies to take part in this meaningful event.

*Parents or guardians must accompany children under the age of 14 to participate in flag selling.

*Subject to relevant terms and conditions.


Help create life-changing wishes for the Wish Children and bring them hope, strength, and joy!

Special Thanks To


Support Organization

SF Express

Alyssa Group Limited
China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
Chinachem Group
Clever Play Fun Learning Academy Group Limited
Consulate General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao with Finnish Culture Association of Hong Kong (FCAHK)
Department of Health
Henderson Land Development Company Limited
HKG142 Cub Scouts
HYC Foundation Limited
JEMS Character Academy
Link Asset Management Limited
Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd
Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Radiant Talent Education
Rainbow Creative Arts
Robert Half Hong Kong Limited
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
The AK Legion c/o Anson Kong
Urban Property Management Limited – The Merton
VHD Group

Media Support  (Names in no particular order)

Sino Property Services
MTR Corporation
The Star Ferry
men’s uno Hong Kong
Cosmopolitan HK