Sharing of Wish Community

“The joy of realizing a wish motivated me to complete the rest of my medical treatments more courageously and gave me the strength to study hard after I recovered, so that I could be admitted to my dream course and fulfill another wish of my life, which is to become a nurse and help other child patients.”


“The joy of realizing a wish motivated me to complete the rest of my medical treatments more courageously and gave me the strength to study hard after I recovered, so that I could be admitted to my dream course and fulfill another wish of my life, which is to become a nurse and help other child patients.”

– Hiu Man, Wish Child of 2016


“When the children and their families are in despair, Wishes give them a lot of hope and sometimes make them forget about their pain. For some children whose situation is not as optimistic, I saw them regain happiness and start to think about what they want to do in the future or even what they want to do in life. With such goals in mind, they are empowered to face the treatment very positively.”

– Dr. Grace, Pediatrician


For the children, it is a feeling full of hope, just like listening to a complete piece of music and looking forward to the beginning of the next chapter.”

– Michelle, music therapist


“I made handicrafts with child patients through online workshops and had Wish Catching sessions with them. Throughout the process, I learnt to listen and understand their needs, even if it’s just as simple as playing games with them, it brings them loads of happiness already. I would like to thank the Wish Team and other volunteers for their selfless efforts in helping Wish Children.”

– Mandy, volunteer


“One time, I delivered gifts to a Wish Child’s home. I saw a child in a wheelchair who was feeling unwell, but he still had an excited expression of anticipation. When he received the gift, he was overjoyed. This short encounter was so heartwarming that I felt that my work was very meaningful.”

– Chung Gor, delivery driver