I wish to have a bike

Ryan, 20, Testicular Embryonal Carcinoma

The Wish Allows Me to Explore the World!
Ryan was unfortunately diagnosed with 2 types of cancer in 2021, which caused great concern for himself and even his family. The illness did not only keep him away from his favorite sport, cycling, but also disrupted his future plans – he had to take a year off from school and postpone taking the public examination in order to undergo treatments. Therefore, he made a wish to have a bike, because he wanted to get healthy again after his recovery, riding on the new bike to explore different roads, even to challenge a cycling tour in Taiwan, leaving his footprint all over the world.

  The Wish motivated him to stay positive and work hard on his exams. On his Wish Day, the Wish Team went to a bike fitting session with Ryan to choose a road bike that he likes and fits his needs. On the day of picking up the new bike, the American Express volunteer team surprised Ryan by sending him various bike accessories as gifts to celebrate the realization of his Wish and prepare him for the road adventure!

Ryan finished the public exam and is now studying at the university. The bike motivated him to go out more and lead to a healthier life. He is also actively volunteering with us to share the joy of fulfilling his Wish with other child patients, spreading hope and encouraging them to combat their illnesses with bravery. He even hopes to fundraise for other Wish Children using his bike in the near future!

Acknowledgement: American Express Hong Kong

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