I wish to have a transportation fun day

Savio, 4, B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Little Car Enthusiast Savio’s Transportation Extravaganza

At the age of 4, Savio was unfortunately diagnosed with leukemia and had to take a break from school to undergo chemotherapy. Savio’s family was heartbroken to witness his suffering through the treatment, but there was nothing they could do to help. However, Savio, who loves modes of transportation, gets excited every time he sees a bus or metro, and even dreams of riding in a sports car or taking the peak tram!

After understanding Savio’s preferences, the Wish Team customized a unique transportation fun day for him. Savio and his family got to experience six different modes of transportation in one day! We even celebrated Savio’s birthday on one of the tram, making the Wish Day even more special and memorable. Watch the video to find out what vehicles Savio got to ride!

Acknowledgement: Asian One, Ferrari Owners’ Club of Hong Kong, Kinsley Cake Shop, MTR Corporation, Victoria Harbour Children Ride, Mr. O

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