I wish to meet Mayday

Jerry, 18, B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

I met my favourite band!

“Mayday’s songs accompany me through the battle against cancer, giving me strength and motivation to fight.” Jerry shared.

As the most popular and loved band in Taiwan, Mayday spread courage and strength through their music, inspiring millions of fans from all over the world, including Jerry, our Wish Child.

Diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Jerry first heard a Mayday’s song when he was playing a music game at a younger age, which he found very energetic. As he grows, he starts to appreciate every song by Mayday and is even more deeply moved by their music. During Jerry’s treatment journey, Mayday’s music accompanies him through the lows of his life, becoming his spiritual solace.

When the Wish Team caught Jerry’s Wish to meet Mayday, they contacted Make-A-Wish Taiwan to arrange Jerry and his family to attend Mayday’s concert in Taiwan in March. Before Jerry headed to Taiwan, the Wish Team designed a song board with him and gifted him some concert merchandise, hoping he could fully enjoy the concert. This was also Jerry’s first trip with his family, and everyone was extremely excited. After watching the concert, Jerry even went backstage to meet his favorite band, bringing him tremendous motivation as he is still undergoing chemotherapy.

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